Empowering Communities Together Join us in building a stronger future —together, we grow, learn, & support each other.

Empowering Communities, Strengthening Connections

Welcome to SLCM, where we unite Sierra Leonean and West African communities in the Twin Cities through support, advocacy, and cultural exchange

The Sierra Leonean Community of Minnesota (SLCM) is a dynamic umbrella organization committed to serving the Sierra Leonean and related communities within the Twin Cities area of Minneapolis and Saint Paul. Our mission is to uplift, connect, and provide vital resources to families and individuals from Sierra Leone and other African communities, fostering unity and support for all.

Our Programs

To serve as an umbrella organization for the Sierra Leonean community in Minnesota, providing leadership for capacity building, strengthening community, and addressing social needs and disparities.

Youths & Culture

The SLCM Youth Ensemble includes community youth from 10 to 20 years. Led by the Youth Director Mimie Mogaka, the youth engage in Cultural Learning and Awareness through dance, drama, and music;


Our education programming focuses on three key areas: Scholarships for college-bound students in Minnesota, Scholarships and school supplies support for primary and secondary school students in Sierra Leone, and STEM programming

Health & Wellness

The SLCM Youth Ensemble includes community youth from 10 to 20 years. Led by the Youth Director Mimie Mogaka, the youth engage in Cultural Learning and Awareness through dance, drama, and music;

The State of Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) funded (or funded in part) this training through a grant. The grant recipient created this training. DEED does not endorse this publicity or training or make guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability or ownership of the information herein or elsewhere.

Youth Leadership Development

A Core Focus of SLCM

At SLCM, youth development is not just an initiative—it’s a priority. We believe that empowering the next generation of leaders is crucial to the future success and stability of our community. Our youth programs are designed to inspire, educate, and equip young Sierra Leoneans and other West African youths in Minnesota with the skills and confidence they need to thrive in today’s world.

Events & Updates


Our volunteers work with cities and communities to provide critical services such as food donations for the needy. We are currently collaborating with the city of Brooklyn Park to provide food donations for the needy and winter packages for Seniors. We will update you when the program is completed.

Support SLCM’s Mission of Service

Your donations help fund critical programs that uplift our community and ensure we continue to grow and thrive together.