Youths & Culture

The SLCM Youth Ensemble includes community youth from 10 to 20 years. Led by the Youth Director Mimie Mogaka, the youth engage in Cultural Learning and Awareness through dance, drama, and music;


Our education programming focuses on three key areas: Scholarships for college-bound students in Minnesota, Scholarships and school supplies support for primary and secondary school students in Sierra Leone, and STEM programming

Health & Wellness

The SLCM Youth Ensemble includes community youth from 10 to 20 years. Led by the Youth Director Mimie Mogaka, the youth engage in Cultural Learning and Awareness through dance, drama, and music;

Disaster Relief

After the Ebola crisis of 2014, SLCM set up a special committee to address disaster support in Sierra Leone. The committee also works with local communities in the Twin Cities area to address common concerns such as travel advise, and infection information

Support SLCM’s Mission of Service

Your donations help fund critical programs that uplift our community and ensure we continue to grow and thrive together.